Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hello World

So this is the customary "Hello World" post.
Well.. I have started this blog to maintain personal notes and reports on whatever little technical *bc* I keep doing now and then. My winds keeps wandering in endless regions and sometimes I take some silly idea seriously and start working on it. I need to record all those things for my future reference. I work in bursts and I need some way to recall exactly what I did before and what I was thinking before.
At first I thought to keep this blog private... as it is for my own reference. But then, on a second thought, may be my little *bc* work may be of some help to some wannable geek sitting in some other corner of the world. Also a little extra money through google adsense program never hurts :D
So guys and gals, wish me luck for all my future technical endeavours.
Bye for now.

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