Sunday, November 05, 2006

FuckProxy 0.1 Beta is released again!!

Yeah... This time FuckProxy is a firefox extension and not a greasemonkey script. So easier installation and easy to use!
So what are you waiting for? Get FuckProxy.
For those who don't know what is FuckProxy project, here is a brief description:-
Most of the time IIIT's proxy(204) goes down even when the ISP link is perfect. In such cases internet can be accessed using 200. FuckProxy firefox extension lets you do that by using 200 as a CGI Proxy.
Adds a "View this page with FuckProxy" or "Open Link Target with FuckProxy" option to your Firefox right-click menu, depending on where you click. Also adds a "View with FuckProxy" Button for the address bar.

There is one more good news:-
I have succeeded in my search for a IIIT system that connects to net without proxy. I am testing it for speed and then I will include it in my project.

TechnoratiTechnorati: , , ,


Anonymous said...

hey your fuck proxy rocks :)
but why did you name it that way ? :P
anyways this comment posted using fuck proxy :)

Turbo said...

anyways this comment posted using fuck proxy